Friday, March 19, 2010

new family

My dad sent me a text message earlier in the week informing me that my great aunt Bertha had died.  I had no clue who she was.  My dad gave me the brief rundown of who she was. She was my grandfathers sister.  No clue.  My dad was planning on coming up for the funeral but he could not get vacation days.  I had no plans on going to the funeral because I hate funerals and I did not know her.  Kristie called my dad and got the information for one of my cousins and get her address and talked me into going up tonight to meet them.  I'm so glad that she did.  I've been in Ohio for over a year now and did not know that I had such a big family in Cleveland.  I was thinking I was up here all alone especially now that my sister who was in Rochester, NY moved back to Texas.  We showed up and we greeted by hugs and extreme hospitality.  We told each other how we were related and got names of our respective families.  We even called some people up and I found out the names of my great great grandparents on one side and all the way up to my great-great-great grandparents on the other side.  My Great great grandfather's name was King Whitby and apparently he was Irish(I always suspected I had white in my family).  It so cool to have family 45 mins away now.  We were invited to come up for memorial day with them.  I'm super excited to not feel so lonely now even thought I don't know them that well.  I know they are family and I know they are here.